As seen in HGTVmagazine
April 14, 2021 – Petra Verhoef

POP! goes your room
- HGTV magazine May edition just came out and its adding to the fabulous feeling of Spring! The sun is out, the sky is blue and the grass becomes greener and greener each day now. This is the perfect time to get ready for summer and to ad a pop of color to your home! We couldn't me more happy to find out that Alison Victoria from HGTV's Windy City Rehab, curated our new ice blue metal side table to go along with her basics 'go to' colors golden browns and gold.
Go to your local bookstore or supermarket and pick up the latest edition of HGTV magazine to get lots of colorful inspiration and to pop into a new season of indoor and hopefully mostly outdoor living!
The metal blue side or accent table goes so well with many colors, especially the darker brows, but try it in an all white interior for a Mediterranean summer look. Or what do you think about pastel colors like soft pink, green and yellow? you can't go wrong with this versatile, easy to move around table.